Sprint Release 06-11-18
- [TASK] Add caching headers
- [BUGFIX] Add margin for news listing on homepage
- [TASK] Allow editors to create forms
- [TASK] Remove G+ from footer
- [TASK] Add classes to ul for menu
- [FEATURE] Introduce FontAwesome 5
- [FEATURE] Update to Bootstrap v4.1
- [BUGFIX] Add author name to news list view
- [TASK] Improve rendering and remove double borders
- [TASK] Remove horizontal margin for latest news
- [TASK] Image crop for news
- [BUGFIX] Beautify platinum banner in mobile view
- [FEATURE] Add CookieConsent
- [FEATURE] Add default images for news
- [FEATURE] Add additional / default image for news
- [TASK] Add crop ratios for news
- [BUGFIX] Fix event category selector
- [TASK] Add sys_note extension
Edited by Thomas Löffler