3.5.09047bdf7 · ·
* [FEATURE] Add option to activate Google Tag Manager * [TASK] Add issue templates * [TASK] Work on styleguide * [BUGFIX] Fix styles in roadmap view * [BUGFIX] Allow RTE for Feature Header
3.4.040f0f33b · ·
* [BUGFIX] Remove media title from news detail view * [TASK] Beautify service listing * [BUGFIX] Reload page on successful login or logout * [TASK] Styleguide improvements * [TASK] Switch background-image to responsive picture * [TASK] Remove negative top margin from feature headers * [FEATURE] Add new CE for header image * [FEATURE] Add new grid relations
3.3.2f9eab0ca · ·
* [FEATURE] Add discourse integration on pages * [TASK] Remove Google+ from footer (now really) * [TASK] Increase default font weight * [FEATURE] Add template for selected news item list * [BUGFIX] Change line break in cookie banner text * [TASK] Reduce font size on mobile * [BUGFIX] Fix regression in login JS
3.3.0033c01ad · ·
* [TASK] Allow editors to create forms * [TASK] Remove G+ from footer * [TASK] Add classes to ul for menu * [FEATURE] Introduce FontAwesome 5 * [BUGFIX] Add author name to news list view * [TASK] Improve rendering and remove double borders * [TASK] Remove horizontal margin for latest news * [TASK] Image crop for news * [BUGFIX] Beautify platinum banner in mobile view * [FEATURE] Add CookieConsent * [FEATURE] Add default images for news
3.2.04db082ac · ·
* [TASK] Add a styleguide * [FEATURE] Reload navigation on login or logout * [BUGFIX] Add range to linkVars * [TASK] Cleanup ext_emconf.php * [BUGFIX] Make header field visible in slider container
3.1.32d517ed9 · ·
* [BUGFIX] Correct path to YAML file * [TASK] Change news list heading to h2 * [BUGFIX] Show shariff element in news * [TASK] Move randombanners templates to extension
3.1.0d896bc86 · ·
* [TASK] Create and use Sass mixin for hiding things on print view * [FEATURE] Implement HTML5 Boilerplate print styles as groundwork for all print views * [BUGFIX] Move button out of news list in teaser element * [FEATURE] Optimize diverse elements on print view * [CLEANUP] Make SCSS style linter happy * [FEATURE] Optimize diverse elements on print view * [FEATURE] Add Frontend User as author * [BUGFIX] Fix Font Paths * [TASK] Remove rsa authentication * [FEATURE] Rebuild login to really ajax based login * [TASK] Rename yaml form definition to new standard