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  • Michael Stucki's avatar
    * Changed the layout of the security warning box which is displayed in alt_intro.php · f156d787
    Michael Stucki authored
    * Added a hook for extending the device recognition capabilities in class.t3lib_matchcondition.php (requested by Michael Perkhofer for his "wurfl" extension)
    * Fixed bug #0000762: If the word "include_once" is followed by a whitespace, the extension manager issued an error
    * New feature #0000634: Add the CURIFSUB state to menu objects (thanks to Wolfgang Klinger)
    * Changed the spamProtectEmailAddresses range again. Allowed values are between -5 and 1 (higher values could break the output, thus the range needed to be changed)
    git-svn-id: 709f56b5-9817-0410-a4d7-c38de5d9e867
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