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  • Helmut Hummel's avatar
    [BUGFIX] Prevent strings from being autoloaded · b15348a4
    Helmut Hummel authored
    The introduction of a TypeConverter for Enumaration
    types in #52762 added is_subclass() calls to
    getPlainValue() in the DatabaseBackends. These methods
    are meant to convert objects to simply types but are
    regularly called with simple types, in particular strings.
    Since is_subclass() also works with strings,
    The class loader is triggered when these methods
    are called with a table name like "tx_ext_domain_model_foo".
    This triggers an issue #55418 in the class loader especially
    on case insensitive filesystems.
    Instead of is_subclass we now use instanceof to make sure
    we only check for conversion if the value is an object.
    Additionally this change fixes a wrong case statement which
    also was introduced in #52762
    Resolves: #54275
    Change-Id: If1b2a28a2623e49dfb47720641935c6f24447c19
    Reviewed-by: Helmut Hummel
    Tested-by: Helmut Hummel