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  • Christian Kuhn's avatar
    [FEATURE] Refactor TCA handling · 60117b50
    Christian Kuhn authored
    This patch refactors TCA handling especially in the frontend to
    a new codebase, making it more easy to work with, removing
    developer headaches, without significant performance impact:
    * In FE, full TCA is always loaded and cached after first call
    to a core cache disk. ext_tables are not executed on every call.
    * In BE, intermediate TCA is cached, rendering the dynamicConfigFile
    setting useless. The destinction between 'ctrl' and 'columns' is
    * TCA files should now be located at
    ext:extensionname/Configuration/TCA/tablename.php' and should return
    an array with the TCA for the table specified by the filename. On
    first access, those files are read and cached. 'ctrl' sections from
    ext_tables.php can be removed completly.
    * TSFE->includeTCA(), TSFE->getCompressedTCarray() and
    GeneralUtility:loadTca() are obsolete and deprecated.
    * Extensions not using the new TCA load scheme have a compatibility
    layer in ext_tables.php to resolve 'dynamicConfigFile' directly after
    a specific extensions ext_tables.php file was loaded, so the next one
    can already manipulate it with ExtensionManagementUtility methods.
    * t3lib/stddb is gone, all files are merged to core.
    Resolves: #45767
    Releases: 6.1
    Change-Id: I50ebe00c80b9b58ded0586637c85e0f495a63dad
    Tested-by: Soren Malling
    Tested-by: Mattias Nilsson
    Reviewed-by: Georg Ringer
    Tested-by: Georg Ringer
    Reviewed-by: Felix Kopp
    Reviewed-by: Christian Kuhn
    Tested-by: Christian Kuhn