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  • Benjamin Franzke's avatar
    [TASK] Separate JavaScriptHandler concerns · a669f117
    Benjamin Franzke authored
    This change is preparatory refactoring in order to support
    native JavaScript modules (ESM) where a module can't be used both
    as classic script-src and as ES6 module providing exports at the same
    time (this was/is possible for AMD as implemented in #95953):
    `export` is an invalid keyword in non-module scripts and cannot be
    specified conditionally, that is very different to AMD modules where
    `define()` can be called conditionally.
    JavaScriptHandler currently has three execution modes:
     * If used as script-scr: Call processItems from text content for:
       * RequireJS configuration
       * Generic JavaScriptItems processing
     * If used as AMD module:
       * Generic JavaScriptItems processing
    JavaScriptHandler is now separated into the following three concerns:
    The previous processor "mode" is now available as
    streamlined JavaScriptItemProcessor module, in order
    to drop type invariance (it requires parsed objects
    instead of allowing raw json data or objects)
    The previous JavaScriptHandler module that processes
    text content and calls arbitrary hooks has been
    simplified to the one usecase that was actually being used:
    Handling JavaScriptItems by parsing the text content.
    The extracted JavaScriptItemProcessor is used as backend
    for the actual work.
    The RequireJS configurator is now available as
    separate module, as this logic is only needed once and not by
    other modules. There is no need to keep that functionality in
    JavaScriptItemProcessor, especially as it has been hidden from
    AMD modules, which complicated the JavaScriptHandler.
    This extraction also actually allows to make use of modules
    in JavaScriptHandler and therefore enables the possibility to
    share code using JavaScriptItemProcessor.
    Also the code has been migrated to TypeScript.
    JavaScriptItemHandler and RequireJSConfigHandler do not export
    or import code, therefore they are usable as plain targets
    for script-tags.
    In addition the JavaScriptItemHandler is now executed
    asynchronously, which allows the browser to parse DOM
    in parallel. (synchronous mode is required for RequireJS
    config, but not for loading of requirejs-modules/instructions,
    they are asynchronous anyway).
    FileClipboardCest is adapted to wait more than 1 second, since the
    rerendering of the clipboard (a new iframe request is made) takes
    longer than 1 second in some test runs (not locally, but on CI)
    (note: the default 1 second wait timeout is configured in
    typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Acceptance/Application.suite.yml, but that's
    too less in this case).
    Releases: main
    Resolves: #96476
    Related: #95953
    Related: #96323
    Change-Id: I48a5751cea03537344e925beba365841e0855dde
    Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
    Tested-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>
    Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    Tested-by: default avatarBenjamin Franzke <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBenjamin Franzke <>