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  • Kasper Skårhøj's avatar
    · 90a04d1f
    Kasper Skårhøj authored
    * Added a checkbox to the page header in the "cms" extension called "Hide in menu". With this checkbox the page is excluded from menus on the totally same terms as doktype=5 ("Not in menu") does. The implementation is believed to be complete (although there might be some places overlooked). The checkbox renders the doktype 5 "Not in menu" obsolete; the idea is that the checkbox should be used in the future. However it is not that easy to just skip the doktype=5 option. For now a configuration flag has been set by which it can be disabled (see configuration of the "cms" extension). Finally - if anyone read this far - I prophecise, that within two weeks from this moment someone will approach me and want to have a visual response to the "Hide in menu" checkbox in the icon; currently the page icon does NOT change it looks (and it would be very doubtful if we could justify making it change...).
    git-svn-id: 709f56b5-9817-0410-a4d7-c38de5d9e867
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