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  • Christian Kuhn's avatar
    [BUGFIX] Skip sys_refindex for workspace placeholders · 8457e825
    Christian Kuhn authored
    The reference index can be seen as a cache for relations.
    It is used in various places to show how many other records
    have a relation to a given record, for instance in list
    and filelist module and in the record info modal.
    In workspaces, new and moved records create records pairs:
    t3ver_state -1 & 1 and t3ver_state 3 & 4. The backend
    always shows only one of these pairs. The reference index
    creates an entry for each record, so two for each pair.
    This is useless and confusing for editors: If for instance
    a new file reference is added to a content element in
    workspaces, the file list shows two usages of the file
    instead of only one.
    The patch suppresses reference index entries for the
    placeholder records - t3ver_state 1 and 3 - so each pair
    ends up with only one sys_refindex entry.
    Resolves: #92345
    Related: #61917
    Releases: master, 10.4
    Change-Id: I16ede3a9f1b66a7195526a224e9f1c43c03d7ba6
    Tested-by: default avatarTYPO3com <>
    Tested-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Kuhn <>