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  • Alexander Schnitzler's avatar
    [!!!][TASK] Do not magically register validators · 7f21ba47
    Alexander Schnitzler authored and Benni Mack's avatar Benni Mack committed
    This patch removes the automatical registration of two types
    of validators.
    - model validators
    - type validators
    Model validators are those validators that follow a specific
    namespace and class naming derived from domain models.
    Given a model \Vendor\Extension\Domain\Model\Foo, extbase searched
    for a valiator \Vendor\Extension\Domain\Validator\FooValidator.
    If it existed, it had been registered automatically and could not
    be disabled at all.
    Type validators are similiar to model validators. Given a non
    model action parameter or model property like int, string, float,
    DateTime and such, extbase searched for validators in the
    namespace TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator.
    There is a TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator\StringValidator
    for example which had been registered for string type params and
    Said validators could not be disabled at all.
    There are several reasons why the automatic registration has been
    - First of all, this behaviour led to an unknown amount of actual
      registered validators. Developers that are new or simply not
      familiar with the concept of validation magic could easily
      become frustrated.
    - Then there is the problem that validation takes place, no matter
      if it was needed or wanted. A domain validator, which looked
      quite handy in the first place, had to be reduced to the
      validation logic that would fit all cases where according
      objects had been passed into methods. No matter the context.
      The context however matters a lot. One might want to have
      different validation rules depending on if objects are
      created, updated or deleted. This distinction was impossible
      and therefore model validators could be a burden.
    - Last but not least, the automatic registration is a problem
      when introducing validation groups. Validation groups cover
      the context aspect mentioned earlier. By grouping validations
      one can create and register different validators and apply
      them given by contexts like create, update, delete and such.
    Releases: master
    Resolves: #87957
    Change-Id: If8f590a1bedb428c8884cd61828d8cc671ee92e1
    Tested-by: default avatarTYPO3com <>
    Tested-by: default avatarStefan Froemken <>
    Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarStefan Froemken <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>