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  • Oliver Hader's avatar
    [!!!][BUGFIX] Crop-Scaled images have wrong file content type · 7b655915
    Oliver Hader authored and Oliver Hader's avatar Oliver Hader committed
    The following scenario is given:
    * resize a 300dpi TIFF image to PNG using stdWrap/cObj
    * the 'fileExtension' configuration is not set
    * the processed file csm_... has the file extension PNG
    * but the file content type is still TIFF, so the file
      was just renamed, but not converted to PNG
    Since the processing task determines the accordant filename
    and file extension of the processed file, the image processor
    (e.g. ImageMagick) needs to know about that fact as well.
    This change modifies the TaskInterface which is rarely to not
    at all used in custom extensions implementing individual tasks
    to process files.
    Change-Id: I089edc01a39663ac91b1b9df168f659c32954fcb
    Fixes: #46530
    Releases: 6.0, 6.1
    Reviewed-by: Oliver Hader
    Tested-by: Oliver Hader