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  • Andreas Wolf's avatar
    [TASK] Use ISO-8601 dates for display and processing · 75beb3fd
    Andreas Wolf authored and Oliver Hader's avatar Oliver Hader committed
    This changes the internal date processing for FormEngine and DataHandler
    to use ISO-8601 dates including a proper timezone. Dates are converted
    to ISO-8601 as early as possible and converted back to UNIX timestamps
    as late as possible.
    As before, the database values are always values in the server’s
    timezone, interpreted as UTC. Also, the client side inputs are
    interpreted as UTC.
    The main advantage is that once and for all we get rid of the timezone
    issues that may potentially arise if the server and client use different
    timezones. Additionally, the values are human readable (which is of
    course not so much of an issue for hidden fields) and we can directly
    use Moment.js for all heavy lifting.
    Another big advantage is that we can make the date formats configurable
    and decouple displayed dates and internally stored dates (by putting the
    Moment objects to the input fields).
    Change-Id: I3461915c2beaa96cd29c52c60e65a2e5005065b7
    Resolves: #77702
    Releases: master
    Reviewed-by: default avatarSusanne Moog <>
    Tested-by: default avatarSusanne Moog <>
    Tested-by: default avatarTYPO3com <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>
    Tested-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>