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  • Michael Stucki's avatar
    2005-02-04 Michael Stucki <> · 5f64af83
    Michael Stucki authored
     * Corrected some typos
     * Fix permissions after ImageMagick has created a new file. Introduced new function t3lib_div::fixPermissions. Closes bug #0000677.
     * Fixed bug #0000422: "Fatal error at 3: Image Processing -> 5: GD library functions"
     * Added a new constant TYPO3_branch which includes only the major and the minor numbers of the version (not the patchlevel). This is used in the "generator" meta tag and will finally close bug number #0000318.
     * ContextMenu is no longer disabled by default on Macintosh systems (except Opera, might have to do with bug #0000675). Closes bugs #0000542 and #0000486.
     * XHTML 1.1 compliancy fixes (thanks to Ernesto Baschny)
     * List view now resolves values of MM tables (thanks to Rupert Germann)
     * Use t3lib_div::isAbsPath() to check if the logfile path is absolute (doesn't work on Windows otherwise)
    git-svn-id: 709f56b5-9817-0410-a4d7-c38de5d9e867
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