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  • Bastian Waidelich's avatar
    [+BUGFIX] Revert incorrect deletion of Query::count() & Query::withUid() · 5d3fcfb8
    Bastian Waidelich authored
    The methods Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Query::count() and
    Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Query::withUid() are deprecated.
    They have been removed in
    But the deletion is incomplete and leads to a fatal error
    We'll have to keep count() until version 1.5 according to the
    TYPO3 release policy.
    WithUid() is already deprecated since extbase 1.2 so it could
    be removed with 1.4. But it has to be removed from the interface
    and from all parts in the core that are still using it (currently two)
    Relates: #13745
    Change-Id: I390edfe3de1fe92a27723dcccdd6a6d098f5ac07