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  • Dmitry Dulepov's avatar
    * Direct styles changes to CSS classes · 3e00a709
    Dmitry Dulepov authored
    * Mount points list now shows warning icon and explanation tooltip if workspace mount point is not accessible for current BE user
    * Mount points list will show explanation if no mount points available and why
    * User list is changed for live and draft workspace: now shows a simple list of users
    * alt_shortcut.php is no longer used to switch workspaces
    * Fix: user names sometimes were not displayed for non-admin user in the access lists
    * Fix: non-admin users could see empty row in workspace list
    * Fix: workspace_list_label_frozen_no label was wrong in locallang_mod_user_ws.xml
    git-svn-id: 709f56b5-9817-0410-a4d7-c38de5d9e867