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  • Helmut Hummel's avatar
    [BUGFIX] Always fetch related objects if relation set by child · 04f66dba
    Helmut Hummel authored and Marc Bastian Heinrichs's avatar Marc Bastian Heinrichs committed
    If the DataMapper shall map a 1:N relation for
    a property of a domain object and the element
    type of this property is another domain object
    and not a storage type, the data mapper must
    always fetch the related elements from persistence
    and cannot rely on the persistence session lookup.
    This is the case because the relation to the parent
    is set on the child side and not the other way around.
    The column in the parent row is useless in that case
    and does not hold the id of the child.
    We can also not rely on the persistence session
    because we do not know the identifier of the child
    until we fetched it.
    Resolves: #56442
    Releases: 6.2, 6.1
    Change-Id: Icc3ebf9b825f6380691c60839621f01ca9875e4e
    Reviewed-by: Xavier Perseguers
    Tested-by: Xavier Perseguers
    Reviewed-by: Marc Bastian Heinrichs
    Tested-by: Marc Bastian Heinrichs