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  • Benjamin Franzke's avatar
    [TASK] Support FLAG_USE_TOP_WINDOW for ESM instructions · 94d20cec
    Benjamin Franzke authored
    Implement top-frame-module loading for ES6 modules.
    With RequireJS we could simply invoke top.require(), but
    for native ES modules and dynamic import() statements
    top.import() is not possible, as import is not a function
    but a statement, and therefore not invokable on `top.`.
    This has been marked as todo in #96510 as it is a
    non trival change that is better implemented in a
    separately testable patch.
    An event is used that is dispatched on the top document.
    It is filled by a global event handler with a promise
    that reveals the result of the import() statement
    performed in the context of the top frame.
    Top frame module loading is used when modals
    or notifications are shown in the outer-frame,
    therefore EXT:redirect and EXT:install are adapted
    to make use of this feture and avoid the prior
    RequireJS indirection.
    Resolves: #96610
    Related: #96510
    Related: #96323
    Releases: main
    Change-Id: I699a7a39beb788c843e3c8292e29bf3db97e8cd9