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  • gilbertsoft's avatar
    [BUGFIX] Load all backend routes in installer controller · 00d05d03
    gilbertsoft authored and Benjamin Franzke's avatar Benjamin Franzke committed
    The routes added via ExtensionManagementUtility::addModule() are missing
    when the UriBuilder/Router is used prior to ext_localconf loading.
    Also for this particular case, multiple instances of the Router class
    were created, as UriBuilder is loaded from the failsafe installtool
    container instead of using an instance from the symfony container
    (as created by LateBootService n loadExtLocalconfDatabaseAndExtTables).
    This resulted in multiple routers being loaded with different sets of
    This patch ensures that the routes are loaded from a UriBuilder/Router
    instance that is fully populated with information from ext_localconf.
    Therefore GeneralUtility::makeInstance() is avoided and
    UriBuilder is fetched from the late booted container instead.
    Resolves: #95806
    Releases: main, 11.5
    Change-Id: Id57bf09fb7798eac26dbdbc6ed89228c54fbafb9