Bugreport template has a broken URL
The Bugreport template has a broken URL
The URL to check for existing bugs is wrong, when opening a new bugreport.
Steps to reproduce
Create a new Bug via https://git.typo3.org/services/t3o-sites/typo3.org/typo3.org/-/issues/new and select "Bugreport" template.
Example URL
What is the current bug behavior?
The provided URL is https://git.typo3.org/services/t3o-sites/common/t3olayout/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=bug
What is the expected correct behavior?
The provided URL should be https://git.typo3.org/services/t3o-sites/common/t3olayout/-/issues/?label_name%5B%5D=Type%3A%3ABug or https://git.typo3.org/services/t3o-sites/typo3.org/typo3.org/-/issues/?label_name%5B%5D=Type%3A%3ABug depending on the actual project you wanna use, I would guess 2nd one?