TER Access Token: Allow refreshing without username/password or extend lifetime
The new TER API which can be accessed via tailor gives the possibility to create an access token to access the TER without the need of using the username and password.
This is a great feature, but there are some limitations:
- lifetime of the access token is limited to three months.
- access tokens cannot be refreshed without using username and password (although there is a refresh token which is issued with every access token)
Would it be possible to make the usage of access tokens more convenient in this regard?
I mean
- extending the possible lifetime for access tokens (eg. to one year or even unlimited?)
- making it possible to refresh the access token without the need to use the TER username and password, only using the access and refresh token?
This would make it possible to use this feature in automated environments without the need to manually create new access tokens every three months.