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  • Torben Hansen's avatar
    [FEATURE] Introduce rate limiter for failed logins · 939003e5
    Torben Hansen authored and Benni Mack's avatar Benni Mack committed
    The PHP library `symfony/rate-limiter` has been integrated
    in order to provide a rate limiting API for the TYPO3 core
    and extensions.
    As a new system default, the TYPO3 backend and
    frontend login now uses a rate limiter, which prevents
    further authentication attempts for an IP address, if
    a configurable amount of login attempts is
    exceeded in a given time.
    The hardcoded wait time of 5 seconds after a failed login has
    been removed, since it offers no real protection against brute
    force attacks.
    The following dependencies are introduced:
    * symfony/rate-limiter "^5.3"
    Resolves: #93825
    Releases: master
    Change-Id: Ib248b78b501a4d50556aa97938f4c51f12f7522a
    Tested-by: default avatarcore-ci <>
    Tested-by: default avatarJochen <>
    Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJochen <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
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