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  • Anders Kostending's avatar
    [TASK] Update CKEditor to 4.7.2 · 5ca02d1f
    Anders Kostending authored and Benni Mack's avatar Benni Mack committed
    Update CKEditor to the lastest version that fixes a lot of bugs.
    Release notes:
     * Added Advanced Content Filter integration with the Justify plugin.
     * [Chrome] Fixed: Clicking the scrollbar throws an Uncaught TypeError: is not a functionerror.
     * Fixed: Widgets cannot be properly pasted into a table cell.
     * Fixed: Internal cke_table-faked-selection-table class is visible
     in the Stylesheet Classes field of the Table Properties dialog.
     * [Edge] Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the Select All button
     in Source Mode.
     * Fixed: Double slash in the path to stylesheet needed by the
     Table Selection plugin.
     * Fixed: Unnecessary dependency on the Editor Toolbar plugin inside
     the Notification plugin.
     * Fixed: Error thrown into the browser console after opening the
     Styles Combo plugin menu in the editor without any selection.
     * Fixed: Double click does not open the dialog for modifying anchors
     inserted via the Link plugin.
     * [IE8-9] Fixed: Clicking inside an empty read-only editor throws
     an error.
     * [IE10] Fixed: Clicking below a single horizontal rule throws
     an error.
     * Fixed: The range.cloneContents method selects the whole element when
     the selection starts at the beginning of that element.
     * Fixed: The range.extractContents method returns an incorrect result
     when multiple nodes are selected.
     * Fixed: The elementPath.contains method incorrectly excludes the last
     element instead of root when the fromTop parameter is set to true.
     * Fixed: SCAYT leaves underlined word after the CKEditor Replace
     dialog corrects it.
     * Added the CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList.toArray method which returns an
     array representation of a node list.
    Resolves: #82143
    Releases: master, 8.7
    Change-Id: I6f6037e48d768e4a2887c799c1791f3201ce40c8
    Reviewed-by: default avatarAndreas Fernandez <>
    Tested-by: default avatarAndreas Fernandez <>
    Tested-by: default avatarTYPO3com <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarKasper Ligaard <>
    Tested-by: default avatarKasper Ligaard <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarGeorg Ringer <>
    Tested-by: default avatarGeorg Ringer <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
    Tested-by: default avatarBenni Mack <>
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