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  • Helmut Hummel's avatar
    [!!!][SECURITY] Fix link spoofing in prefixLocalAnchors · 4ac9bcdb
    Helmut Hummel authored and Oliver Hader's avatar Oliver Hader committed
    Specially crafted request could lead to anchors prefixed
    with URLs to domains controlled by the attacker on the
    domain root page (home page). No other pages are affected!
    Fix this by prefixing the anchors with a canonical URL
    to the current request. This could lead to the situation
    that the prefix does not match the current REQUEST_URI
    which leads to a page reload instead of just "jumping" to the page section.
    Additionally this change assures that REQUEST_URI always starts
    with a slash, which mitigates similar attack vectors when using
    To mitigate the impact of this breaking change, the REQUEST_URI
    is used for anchor prefix if a backend user is logged in,
    to not disturb the preview functionality of the home page.
    In case prefixLocalAnchors is used in the HTML parser configuration
    with prefixLocalAnchors = 2, always the canonical URL is used as prefix.
    This change does *not* fix, that arbitrary (non functional) GET parameters
    will be included in the generated prefix URL. To fix this it is recommended
    to use absRefPrefix instead of baseUrl and prefixLocalAnchors.
    Resolves: #62723
    Releases: 4.5, 6.2, master
    Security-Commit: 2c5092fe3f2a4fc9a97a17a3ed9dcc5314bf64e2
    Security-Bulletin: TYPO3-CORE-SA-2014-003
    Change-Id: Icf989abdbab8720be13b2fda0a6d088f100e3aa7
    Reviewed-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>
    Tested-by: default avatarOliver Hader <>