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  • Daniela Pohl's avatar
    [FEATURE] Improve form creation wizard · 29cf49c0
    Daniela Pohl authored
    The form creation wizard has been improved greatly. This
    results in a vast enhancement of the user experience. In
    detail the following changes have been implemented:
    * The user interface has been visually refurbished
      and rearranged.
    * Step 3 - which just stated the successful form
      creation - has been removed.
    * Previous steps can now be accessed.
    * Instead of labeling steps with just a numerical
      indicator (like "Step x of y") steps now have descriptive
      labels like "Start" or "Finish!".
    * Configuration settings did not change in number but
      are logically structured now.
    In order to achieve this a new JavaScript module
    `MultiStepWizard.ts` has been introduced.
    Check the corresponding .rst files for further information.
    Resolves: #79445
    Releases: master
    Change-Id: Ia631a411d81b11a21e9b2f682771be536cb01921
    Tested-by: default avatarMathias Brodala <>
    Tested-by: Björn Jacob <bjoern.ja...