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  • Wouter Wolters's avatar
    [TASK] Clean up phpDoc comments in typo3/ · 0c2caac6
    Wouter Wolters authored and Christian Kuhn's avatar Christian Kuhn committed
    Clean up phpDoc comments for the following classes:
    * typo3/class.webpagetree.php
    * typo3/
    * typo3/
    * typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh
    * typo3/db_new.php
    * typo3/dummy.php
    * typo3/file_edit.php
    * typo3/file_newfolder.php
    * typo3/file_rename.php
    * typo3/file_upload.php
    Clean up provides:
    * Provide correct parameter names in phpDoc
    * Provide correct data types in phpDoc
    * CGLify phpDoc (remove tabs)
    Change-Id: Ia91597115348f3ce72c1b2ac991344f9eaf3f445
    Resolves: #37968
    Releases: 6.0
    Reviewed-by: Oliver Klee
    Reviewed-by: Christian Kuhn
    Tested-by: Christian Kuhn